Add/ Drop: To add or drop a class, parents must give written or email confirmation to your location director. Without confirmation, IHS will continue expecting payment.
Added costs: Besides paying tuition, parents may be expected to pay a nominal fee contributing to the cost for each recital. There will also be some cost involved in purchasing the worship dance costume.
Aeon: Aeon is the small group of IHS teachers and students that travels to churches, nursing homes, and schools performing and spreading the message of God’s love. It consists of two teachers and three to four students as well as one understudy. Students are selected for Aeon based on several criteria. Firstly, the student must demonstrate exceptional dance ability in a variety of styles. It is encouraged that students wishing to be in Aeon take a ballet technique class. Secondly, students must show a dedication to the IHS program. This means that the student must have good attendance and a good attitude towards their dance classes. Thirdly, students must show that they are prepared to be a role model for younger IHS students. Behavior during class and outside of class is taken into consideration when selecting Aeon dancers. Extra rehearsals for Aeon dancers are mandatory. If a student would like to be considered for a position as an Aeon dancer, he or she should contact the artistic director.
Attendance: Consistent attendance is required as both parent and student have made a commitment to the dance program. Students will be allowed up to THREE (3) absences per semester. Any additional absences will result in the students being removed from the performance. Allowances will be made for family emergencies. For such an allowance, please see the artistic director. If your child is going to be absent, please let their teacher know ahead of time via phone call or email.
Class Descriptions: Worship Dance is a lyrical style of dance that incorporates traditional ballet styles of movement with other more interpretive movements. All dance styles are set to Christian music. Hip-Hop, while generally associated with hip-hop music and culture, is just a more upbeat and popular style of dance. We make hip-hop worshipful by staying far away from suggestive or aggressive movements. Contemporary draws on modern dance techniques as well as newer philosophies of movement that depart from classical dance techniques by altogether omitting structured form and movement. The mode of dancing remains moreover the jazz stature but is altogether abstract. Technique is a class that focuses on building up the dance abilities of our students. We focus on flexibility, proper arm and body placement, and the student's more difficult steps. We take the time to not only nurture the worship side of dance but the performance side as well. Interpretive can be compared to a type of pantomime. Each dance tells a story. This class teaches how to use your dance movements to tell that story.
Class Size: A class needs a minimum of three students to continue. The maximum number of students in a class is 12 for regular worship dance classes and 16 for all other classes. Exceptions will be made depending on the size of the room available.
Communication: All information pertinent to IHS students and parents will be sent via email. This means that parents need to provide a valid email address when registering for classes. If you are not receiving emails, please let your location director know. To have a conference with a teacher, see them before or after class to set up an appointment. Contact information for all IHS leadership is at the end of the handbook.
Costumes: The general worship dance costume for girls is a plain white t-shirt, white worship dance skirt, pink tights, pink ballet shoes, gold belt, and gold scrunchie. For information about how to make the skirt, belt, and scrunchie please see your location director. Older students need to wear white shorts or gaucho pants underneath their skirts. Boys should wear plain white t-shirt, plain white pants, gold belt, and white socks. All other classes (such as hip-hop and contemporary) will be informed of their costume closer to the date of the performance.
Dancer Expectations: There is to be no food, especially GUM, during class. Throw away any trash you bring in. Please keep quiet while waiting for your class to begin. Always respect your teachers, fellow dancers, and yourself. It is important to listen during class. If you have something to say, you need to raise your hand. You must always be on your best behavior, so this means no running around, yelling, or goofing off during class. Dance class is not the time to socialize; please keep talking to a minimum. Remember why you come to dance: to worship God and give Him glory for all He has done in your life.
Discipline: It is the right of the teacher to discipline the student during class (also immediately before or after) even if the parent is present in the dance room as the teacher has authority in the classroom. Parents should remind their children to respect the teacher as an authority figure.
Dress Code: For all classes, comfortable, stretchy clothes are required. This means no jeans or similar types of pants. We would like to remind everyone that modesty is very important, so please do not wear clothing that is too tight or revealing. In regular worship dance classes and ballet technique, students may be barefoot, wear socks, or wear ballet shoes. In hip- hop, students may be barefoot, wear socks, or wear some type of dance sneakers/ jazz shoes. Hair needs to be worn off the face. For information on where to get the right clothes or shoes, see your location director. If a student is not in proper clothing, the teacher will ask the student to sit out.
Extra Performances: If you would like IHS to perform at your church, nursing home, school, or event, please contact the artistic director. Aeon will be available with at least two weeks’ notice. Let us know if there is anything specific you will need for your event.
Facilities: Please remember that we do not own the facilities where we hold our classes. Because of this, everyone must take extra care to respect the facilities. If something does not belong to you, do not touch it. Remember to pick up after yourself and leave the building as you found it. Parents, please take care that younger children respect these rules as well.
Holidays/ Snow Days: IHS will be closed on all major national holidays. For information on snow days, check your email to see if we will be closed or call your location director.
Liability: IHS is not responsible for any injuries sustained during or immediately before/ after class.
Music: IHS uses music with a Christian message, and it is often considered worship music. If you feel as though the music being used is not in keeping with the Christian message, please let your location director know.
Observation: Parents and siblings are allowed in the room during class as long as they are not disruptive. The teacher reserves the right to ask observers to leave.
Parent Expectations: If you have questions or concerns, let us know. Let your child’s teacher know if there are any difficulties your child may have. Try to let us know ahead of time if your child will be absent from class. Pay your tuition and any other fees on time. Parents are responsible for the behavior of their children before and after class while still in the building. Make sure you go over the rules in this handbook with your child. Encourage your child and help him or her understand why we come to dance to worship God.
Placement: Initial placement for new students is determined by age. Once the initial placement is made and the teacher is able to assess the student’s ability, a final placement will be made. The final placement will be agreed upon by the teacher and artistic director. If a parent would like to discuss their child’s placement, they may make an appointment with the child’s teacher.
Recitals: We have two recitals each school year, one at the end of the fall semester (usually in December) and the other at the end of the spring semester (usually in May). These performances are not mandatory, but if a student does not wish to or cannot participate due to a conflict, their parent must inform the teacher AT LEAST eight weeks prior to the performance. There will be a dress rehearsal prior to the performance which is mandatory for those performing.
Schedules: Class schedules are posted on the website and the Facebook page. The Fall semester generally begins a week after Labor Day and concludes with the Christmas show in the first half of December. The Spring semester usually starts in the mid to end of January and finishes with spring recital in mid-May. Emails will be sent if we are closed for a holiday.
Scholarships: IHS is able to provide some scholarships for families in financial need. To apply for a scholarship please see Lindsey. We also encourage families who have the means to donate to the scholarship fund.
Tuition: Our tuition current tuition scale can be found on the “Schedules” tab of our website. For larger families, the first and second student is assessed full tuition, the third and fourth student is half tuition, and all others within the same family are free. Tuition is to be paid no later than the 15th of the month to your location director in the form of cash or check. Scholarships are available to families in need.
Contact Information
Lindsey Kravitz (artistic director): [email protected]
Kayoko Opie (Williamsburg director): [email protected], 757-345-0948
Robin Harcum (New Kent director)
[email protected]
Williamsburg: Life Church, 4451 Longhill Road
New Kent: Williamsburg Christian Retreat Center, 9275 Barnes Road
Added costs: Besides paying tuition, parents may be expected to pay a nominal fee contributing to the cost for each recital. There will also be some cost involved in purchasing the worship dance costume.
Aeon: Aeon is the small group of IHS teachers and students that travels to churches, nursing homes, and schools performing and spreading the message of God’s love. It consists of two teachers and three to four students as well as one understudy. Students are selected for Aeon based on several criteria. Firstly, the student must demonstrate exceptional dance ability in a variety of styles. It is encouraged that students wishing to be in Aeon take a ballet technique class. Secondly, students must show a dedication to the IHS program. This means that the student must have good attendance and a good attitude towards their dance classes. Thirdly, students must show that they are prepared to be a role model for younger IHS students. Behavior during class and outside of class is taken into consideration when selecting Aeon dancers. Extra rehearsals for Aeon dancers are mandatory. If a student would like to be considered for a position as an Aeon dancer, he or she should contact the artistic director.
Attendance: Consistent attendance is required as both parent and student have made a commitment to the dance program. Students will be allowed up to THREE (3) absences per semester. Any additional absences will result in the students being removed from the performance. Allowances will be made for family emergencies. For such an allowance, please see the artistic director. If your child is going to be absent, please let their teacher know ahead of time via phone call or email.
Class Descriptions: Worship Dance is a lyrical style of dance that incorporates traditional ballet styles of movement with other more interpretive movements. All dance styles are set to Christian music. Hip-Hop, while generally associated with hip-hop music and culture, is just a more upbeat and popular style of dance. We make hip-hop worshipful by staying far away from suggestive or aggressive movements. Contemporary draws on modern dance techniques as well as newer philosophies of movement that depart from classical dance techniques by altogether omitting structured form and movement. The mode of dancing remains moreover the jazz stature but is altogether abstract. Technique is a class that focuses on building up the dance abilities of our students. We focus on flexibility, proper arm and body placement, and the student's more difficult steps. We take the time to not only nurture the worship side of dance but the performance side as well. Interpretive can be compared to a type of pantomime. Each dance tells a story. This class teaches how to use your dance movements to tell that story.
Class Size: A class needs a minimum of three students to continue. The maximum number of students in a class is 12 for regular worship dance classes and 16 for all other classes. Exceptions will be made depending on the size of the room available.
Communication: All information pertinent to IHS students and parents will be sent via email. This means that parents need to provide a valid email address when registering for classes. If you are not receiving emails, please let your location director know. To have a conference with a teacher, see them before or after class to set up an appointment. Contact information for all IHS leadership is at the end of the handbook.
Costumes: The general worship dance costume for girls is a plain white t-shirt, white worship dance skirt, pink tights, pink ballet shoes, gold belt, and gold scrunchie. For information about how to make the skirt, belt, and scrunchie please see your location director. Older students need to wear white shorts or gaucho pants underneath their skirts. Boys should wear plain white t-shirt, plain white pants, gold belt, and white socks. All other classes (such as hip-hop and contemporary) will be informed of their costume closer to the date of the performance.
Dancer Expectations: There is to be no food, especially GUM, during class. Throw away any trash you bring in. Please keep quiet while waiting for your class to begin. Always respect your teachers, fellow dancers, and yourself. It is important to listen during class. If you have something to say, you need to raise your hand. You must always be on your best behavior, so this means no running around, yelling, or goofing off during class. Dance class is not the time to socialize; please keep talking to a minimum. Remember why you come to dance: to worship God and give Him glory for all He has done in your life.
Discipline: It is the right of the teacher to discipline the student during class (also immediately before or after) even if the parent is present in the dance room as the teacher has authority in the classroom. Parents should remind their children to respect the teacher as an authority figure.
Dress Code: For all classes, comfortable, stretchy clothes are required. This means no jeans or similar types of pants. We would like to remind everyone that modesty is very important, so please do not wear clothing that is too tight or revealing. In regular worship dance classes and ballet technique, students may be barefoot, wear socks, or wear ballet shoes. In hip- hop, students may be barefoot, wear socks, or wear some type of dance sneakers/ jazz shoes. Hair needs to be worn off the face. For information on where to get the right clothes or shoes, see your location director. If a student is not in proper clothing, the teacher will ask the student to sit out.
Extra Performances: If you would like IHS to perform at your church, nursing home, school, or event, please contact the artistic director. Aeon will be available with at least two weeks’ notice. Let us know if there is anything specific you will need for your event.
Facilities: Please remember that we do not own the facilities where we hold our classes. Because of this, everyone must take extra care to respect the facilities. If something does not belong to you, do not touch it. Remember to pick up after yourself and leave the building as you found it. Parents, please take care that younger children respect these rules as well.
Holidays/ Snow Days: IHS will be closed on all major national holidays. For information on snow days, check your email to see if we will be closed or call your location director.
Liability: IHS is not responsible for any injuries sustained during or immediately before/ after class.
Music: IHS uses music with a Christian message, and it is often considered worship music. If you feel as though the music being used is not in keeping with the Christian message, please let your location director know.
Observation: Parents and siblings are allowed in the room during class as long as they are not disruptive. The teacher reserves the right to ask observers to leave.
Parent Expectations: If you have questions or concerns, let us know. Let your child’s teacher know if there are any difficulties your child may have. Try to let us know ahead of time if your child will be absent from class. Pay your tuition and any other fees on time. Parents are responsible for the behavior of their children before and after class while still in the building. Make sure you go over the rules in this handbook with your child. Encourage your child and help him or her understand why we come to dance to worship God.
Placement: Initial placement for new students is determined by age. Once the initial placement is made and the teacher is able to assess the student’s ability, a final placement will be made. The final placement will be agreed upon by the teacher and artistic director. If a parent would like to discuss their child’s placement, they may make an appointment with the child’s teacher.
Recitals: We have two recitals each school year, one at the end of the fall semester (usually in December) and the other at the end of the spring semester (usually in May). These performances are not mandatory, but if a student does not wish to or cannot participate due to a conflict, their parent must inform the teacher AT LEAST eight weeks prior to the performance. There will be a dress rehearsal prior to the performance which is mandatory for those performing.
Schedules: Class schedules are posted on the website and the Facebook page. The Fall semester generally begins a week after Labor Day and concludes with the Christmas show in the first half of December. The Spring semester usually starts in the mid to end of January and finishes with spring recital in mid-May. Emails will be sent if we are closed for a holiday.
Scholarships: IHS is able to provide some scholarships for families in financial need. To apply for a scholarship please see Lindsey. We also encourage families who have the means to donate to the scholarship fund.
Tuition: Our tuition current tuition scale can be found on the “Schedules” tab of our website. For larger families, the first and second student is assessed full tuition, the third and fourth student is half tuition, and all others within the same family are free. Tuition is to be paid no later than the 15th of the month to your location director in the form of cash or check. Scholarships are available to families in need.
Contact Information
Lindsey Kravitz (artistic director): [email protected]
Kayoko Opie (Williamsburg director): [email protected], 757-345-0948
Robin Harcum (New Kent director)
[email protected]
Williamsburg: Life Church, 4451 Longhill Road
New Kent: Williamsburg Christian Retreat Center, 9275 Barnes Road